The Twenty-ninth Monster Comic Ever

Ah the answer to everything.
We apologize for being late, but unfortunately it's christmas and some of us had work to do.

The Twenty-eighth Monster Comic Ever

Women, dogs, what's the difference they're both fun!

The Twentyseventh Monster Comic Ever

many people have identity issues it's nothing to be ashamed of. If you feel you can relate to Gijs you might want to read this

The Twentysixth Monstercomic Ever

Is Gijs really a girl? Stay tuned for more...

The Twentyfourth Monster Comic Ever

Improv is hard. Everyone thinks if Hammer can do it I can, but sadly that's not the case. Plus improv and Shakespeare do not mix, then you get crazy stuff like this.All we can say about this is no, just no.

The Twentythird Monster Comic ever

An artists temper is one of the most important tools in the creative process, without it he would be lost.

the Twentysecond Monster Comic Ever

Poetry is a powerful thing, it makes you look all intelectual without really doing anything special. If you write poetry and you want us to think you're really smart send it to us. We promise we won't laugh at you (and even if we did you wouldn't notice, because you can't actually see us read it)

The Twentyfirst Monster Comic Ever

Damn right Hammer, next thing you know you've got a lawsuit on your hands.

The Twentieth Monster Comic Ever

Woohoo, we have an anniversary to celebrate. Twenty comics, that's a lot and there's a whole lot more where that came from!

The NineteenthMonster Comic Ever

I apologise for this one, it was just too easy. Hammer writes his own jokes, he's great at improvisation.

The Eighteenth Monster Comic Ever

Stay tuned for next week with a very special guest star!

The Seventeenth Monster Comic Ever

Unforntunately this comic is based on real events. If you want to put an end to this madness, the next time you see Phil tell him: No!

The Sixteenth Ever Monster Comic

Sorry, no comment this week. It's just to easy.

The Fifteenth Monster Comic Ever

I'd post a clip to give you a clue, but it's just too damn scary.

The Twelveth Monster Comic Ever

, where would we be without it

The Eleventh Monster Comic Ever

Can you guess what all these things have in common besides being things that monsters are afraid of? Send us your answers and you will win the grand prize!

The Eighth Monster Comic Ever

If only I could grow a jewfro.

The Seventh Monster Comic Ever

In the end Golems are just human(only made out of clay and mud and stuff like that), so they're allowed to make some mistakes.

The Sixth Ever Monster Comic

The amount of research put into this comic is absolutely amazing. We actually went to a museum to look at all these old Hamlet pages. It's laughing and learning!

The Fifth Ever Monster Comic

For you kids out there, Hamlet was like the Highschool Musical of it's day.

The Fourth Ever Monster Comic

You should really try eating them, they're lovely on a cracker.

The second monster comic ever

And here's the second one. Gijs Discovers the source of all his problems and the monsters that they're really sadists at heart.